Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New sunglasses

Last week Mikayla and I went to Chico to walk with Aunt Alicia. Afterwards we went to Target and got Mikayla her 1st pair of sunglasses and a new outfit! The glasses are still a bit big but she will grow in to them this summer, same with the outfit. We are just getting prepared in hopes that the weather will actually get warm here just seems like it is taking forever this year to warm up.

Mikayla with her new sunglasses. We barely made it out of Target before I was taking pictures of her. :)
Yes a bit big, but still so cute on her!
Modeling her new outfit at home. The shorts are too big in the waist and keep falling off.
Must finish off the outfit with the new shades....get the full dramatic effect!
She knows she is the leg tucked underneath the other.

1 comment:

Clarisa said...

too cute! and i'm talking about you taking pics as you leave the store! your daughter is just plain adorable!