Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another Family Member!!!

As most people already know, seeing how I don't update my blog very often, we are having another baby! SHE is due June 3rd and we are all so excited to have another little girl Herrbach in our house! We have decided to name our second daughter Kara Faith. We had the gender ultrasound this last Tuesday and the tech said she is very certain that we are having a girl. Though we did see a little problem in the ultrasound.....the signs of Placenta Previa. That is where the placenta is still covering the cervix. Not a HUGE problem right now but the doctor wants me take it easy and follow certain precautions. I will have another ultrasound in 4 weeks, Feb. 10, to see if the placenta has moved at all. This becomes a problem when I get in to the 3rd trimester and closer to my due date. So, I will keep people updated on whether or not we are out of danger with the next ultrasound. As far as my problems with preeclampsia that I had with Mikayla? NO signs of it so far. Please continue praying that my BP stays low and I don't start swelling!

We hope everyone is well and I will try to be more diligent about updating this silly site! :) I am off to make Orange Rolls now :) Thanks to my friend Cassie Jones for posting the recipe on her blog earlier this week.....way to tempt a pregnant lady!!