Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New sunglasses

Last week Mikayla and I went to Chico to walk with Aunt Alicia. Afterwards we went to Target and got Mikayla her 1st pair of sunglasses and a new outfit! The glasses are still a bit big but she will grow in to them this summer, same with the outfit. We are just getting prepared in hopes that the weather will actually get warm here just seems like it is taking forever this year to warm up.

Mikayla with her new sunglasses. We barely made it out of Target before I was taking pictures of her. :)
Yes a bit big, but still so cute on her!
Modeling her new outfit at home. The shorts are too big in the waist and keep falling off.
Must finish off the outfit with the new shades....get the full dramatic effect!
She knows she is the leg tucked underneath the other.

My Birthday

April 13th was my birthday. I had a very nice relaxing time with my daughter during the day and a fun evening with my husband Chris, playing board games and eating lasagna and cake. Mikayla and I made my birthday cake that day. It was so yummy, chocolate cake with cherry pie filling and vanilla frosting. Mikayla helped decorated that cake with the sprinkles, well she actually wanted to eat the sprinkle container instead of decorate the cake with it. Hey, not a bad helper for being only 8 months old. :)
Well Chris can say that he is married to a 20 something year old still, well atleast for one more year he can! Now time for the weather to warm up so we can get outside and burn off that yummy cake and oh so good lasagna dinner (Which Chris made for me :P ).

Monday, April 12, 2010

Progression of a Pout

While taking pictures, Mikayla decided that she REALLY wanted to have the camera and was very unhappy that I would not let her have it. She started pouting and whining, which I thought looked too funny not to share with you all. This is what I call a progression to a pout, Mikayla style....

Oooooo a camera....
Give it to me I want hooo
Now! I really want to have that camera!
Whhhhyyyy can't I have it?
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! I STILL WANT IT!
Plllleeeeeaaasseeee can I have it....I'm sorry, I still want it.
I'm mad at you mom.... mad
Camera pleeeeaaase...

Mikayla-1st part of April

Welcome back to the our blog. It has been a LOOOONG while since I last posted anything. Here are the newest pictures of Mikayla. Pretty much from beginning of April til now. Hope you enjoy seeing our little girl growing up. She is so funny and has so much personality. On the 18th of this month she will be 8 months old!! She is working on trying to crawl, though it is mostly in reverse and in circles right now. She hasn't figured out how to go forward yet. She can sit up by herself really well now. She can roll from stomach to back and back to stomach. She is eating baby food and LOVES to eat cheerios.

Mikayla's last bath in her little bath tub. She loves chewing on her duck. She has been trying to stand up in the tub so it was time to switch to the big tub after this.

Enjoying a lazy play day in front of the fire.
I know this one is blurry but I think it is so cute with her sticking her tongue out.
She is really starting to like the camera. She used to only give us a little deer in the headlights stare.
Being a ham
It was the Masters Tournament on TV so of course Mikayla has to have her pink golf ball in honor of this major "HOLIDAY" for Chris!! :)
Mikayla in the big girl bath for the very first time!!! She had a lot of fun playing with her bath toys.
Love the hairdo. So stylish.
Mikayla is learning to stand up and hold on to things for support. She was having fun playing with the toys on her jump-a-roo while standing next to it.
Playing with her toys on the floor.
She is doing so good at sitting on her own
WHAT? You taking a picture of me?
Easter Sunday. Mikayla in her easter outfit from Grandma Cathy and her easter basket and bunny from grandma's house.
Happy Easter!