Monday, December 29, 2008

Day after Christmas

The day after Christmas Chris and I went in to town to look at our house and mail out a package to my family. Along the way we got some beautiful pictures of the lake and Mt. Lassen. We also got some new pics of the house, not very different looking just covered in snow now.

Mt. Lassen from Johnson's Grade. Hey Alexsis, I don't think we can hike it now :)
Looking across the lake. The steam is from Collins Pines lumber mill.
The lake is starting to freeze over now.
Front of our house all covered in snow.
The icicles are getting pretty big now.
Chris acting like its a sword. He broke the icicle on my leg just after this picture (that was when I was talking to you Christina).
I think we might need a gutter infront of our back door!!
Looking at our dining room and kitchen.
Our little living room.
I'm glad they got our house done past this point before it snowed. That is our neighbor's house to the right of us. They got started a little late.

Some Christmas Pictures

Merry belated Christmas!!! Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the sledding we did or the opening of presents. I just plain forgot about bringing the camera out then. Chris and I spent the day at his parents house, opening presents with our 3 nieces and nephew, Chris' parents and his sister and her boyfriend. After presents we went home to take a little nap and then back out to the sled hill to do some sledding with all the kids. That was quite a work out, since it had about a foot and a half of very powdery snow. We spent most of the time trying to cut sled trails in to the snow. After about an hour of sledding we went back to Chris' parents house to have a wonderful prime rib and turkey dinner that his mom cooked. Thanks Cathy, it was delicious!!! It was a great day, very tiring, but great.

Close up of our Gingerbread house that Chris and I made.
Our house with Christmas tree and Gingerbread house.
Me at work with my other co-workers Christmas eve. The county snow plow guy was dressed as Santa Clause so we had our picture taken with him. Our getto looking Santa. Left to right: Helen, Santa (duh!), Mary and myself.
Chris on our tractor, clearing his parents' driveway Christmas morning.
Chris headed back up his parents' driveway.
Front of his parents' house. Aren't the trees ginormous?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Dry wall

Progress on the house...we now have drywall and tape. They have the heater running in the house on low to keep it warm enough for the tape to dry. We have no worries that the house will stay warm during the winter months. It was very comfortable in the house even with the garage door ways only being covered in a plastic, no doors. Its coming along, soon we will have the cabinet guy putting the cabinets in. We already picked out our beautiful natural finish hickory wood for them. So EXCITING!!

Here is the kitchen looking at the fridge space and new pantry.
Chris and our nephew, Aaron, acting goofy in the kitchen.
Our living room and hallway.
The master bathroom arch and tub.
Looking at the garage doorway.
Garage looking towards the laundry room and heater.
Backyard covered in snow.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter is now here

The snow is here and still going strong. This morning was mild but the storm has been picking back up. It has gotten to near white out conditions, and we have had several accidents in the country club this morning and it is only 11am.

So this is the most recent picture. Near white-out conditions.
The storm is getting going
And the snow is starting again
This morning before the next wave of snow. My dirty car.
After I got to work this morning

Sunday, December 14, 2008

More house stuff...

The house is looking more and more complete on the outside. Our propane tank has been moved to a much better location, instead of just outside the dining room door. We now have a small concrete patio and a front walk way from the raised porch to where the driveway will be. The lap siding is on the front of the house now, no more plastic wrapped house. All the exterior doors are in place now. They still need to put the railing on the front porch. But besides the painting, garage doors and light fixtures, the outside looks pretty complete.

Front with lapsiding and a walk way to the front door (covered by a tarp).
Yes that is a little snow on the roof, we are supposed to get more this week.
Canvas inspecting the front yard of her soon to be new home.
Notice the propane tank on the left side of the photo. Much better placement than before. Also see the new concrete patio? Nice.
Close up of the new patio. Canvas was the first member of the family to walk on it. She also had no reservations about running right into this strange new house.
Oh yes, we have a shower stall now too.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fun time with family

For the week of Thanksgiving Chris and I were in Tucson visiting my family. We had so much fun!! Chris got to golf 5 times while there. I spent a lot of time with my mom, sisters and their wonderful boys. I just can't believe how much all of them have grown, especially little Donovan. He is quit a character now that he is very clearly speaking in full sentences and making little jokes out of things. My other sisters middle son is now loosing teething and should be wishing for his two front teeth for Christmas. Though not having his front teeth did not stop Jason from singing wonderfully at church on sunday. Yes, he is a soloist and a good one at that!!! Trevor had a neck injury from football just before we arrived in town but that didn't seem to stop him from having a good time while we were there (he is our oldest nephew).

Sunday, Chris and I went with my mom, step-dad Ric, my sister Alexsis, my nephew Trevor and my sister Amanda and her husband Mike to watch the Christmas show at the Gaslight Theatre. It wasn't one of their better shows but it was still a very good time for all of us.

These are my 5 amazing nephews having dinner at Amanda and Mike's house. Trevor, Jason, Clayton, Matthew and Donovan
Left to right: Trevor, Jason and Clayton
Goofy Donovan and a smiling Alexsis
Alexsis trying to hide from the camera
And the toothless Jason, what a sweetheart!!

Up-to-date on the house

Progress so far....the shingles are complete, both sides of the house and the back of the house have siding on it, the front of the house is plastic wrapped and ready for the siding to be put on. We have windows and a sliding glass door. Both bath tubs are in place and the washer hook ups are in. The construction workers looked as though they were finishing up the eves on the house while we were there.

Back of house looking at the master bedroom window on the far right.
Back of house with master bedroom window and wall facing neighbors to the east.
Back of house looking at garage door on far left.
Front of house looking at right garage door and garage window.
Front of house looking at plastic wrapped garage doors.
Front of house looking at 2 spare bedrooms and front door/living room windows.
Inside house looking at laundry room.
Standing in dining room looking at living room and front door (that guy is the one who chose the propane tank placement. Smart guy :P )
Spare bedroom #1 from the door.
Master bathroom from inside bedroom
Master bedroom from hallway door.
Spare bedroom #2 from hall door.
Hall bathroom tub.
Master bathroom looking through the kitchen wall. Ha ha ha