Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mini photo shoot

This last weekend Chris, Mikayla and I went to the bay area so Chris could play in a benefit golf tournament. We were blessed with the opportunity to stay with some very good friends of ours at their very beautiful house. I couldn't resist the opportunity to take some pictures of Mikayla in their front yard. They had such beautiful landscaping and flowers.

I did find out on this trip that Mikayla does NOT like grass! She seems to be very scared of it. Possibly the new texture. This was the first and last time she let me put her down on the grass.
Beautiful little pathway in their front yard that made a perfect picture spot.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh so cute!

I may be biased but I think our daughter is so cute. Lately she has been doing this thing that I call her thinking tongue. It is almost constantly out of her mouth and covering her top lip. It is so cute.

Yes, she also thinks she is a very funny girl too. Perhaps it is because I tell her all the time how funny she is....
I love her so much. Man I need to mop my floors too :)

Mikayla can crawl and terrorize now!

Mikayla is now a crawler! She took her first crawl forward on May 15, unfortunately daddy was gone on a golf qualifying trip and missed it but we got it on video. She has now been crawling for a week and a half and loves it! She has already had her first (and second) taste of dog bone and dog kibble!! OH SO GROSSS!!! Yeah dog dishes are now on the table when she is on the ground and so are all the dog toys/bones. Nothing like having a 9 month old with doggy breath.

Mikayla loves to follow the animals around. Coco, our rottie mix, is a very good sport about letting Mikayla lay against her and pat her on the side. Canvas, our dachshund, likes to try to play with her by running up to her and getting in her face then running away again as soon as Mikayla trys to reach for her. Putter, our tuxedo cat, likes her enough to be around her for a little while but does get annoyed pretty quickly. That's a cat for you. He is declawed so I dont really worry about him hurting her.

Apparently crawling is not enough for our little Mikayla. She is already pulling herself up to the couch and slowly walking along it. She has even been brave enough to let go with both hands and try to stand on her own, but of course she just wobbled for a few seconds and fell down. She didn't cry or even seem scared. She just turned over and pulled herself back up to the couch.