Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Birthday

April 13th was my birthday. I had a very nice relaxing time with my daughter during the day and a fun evening with my husband Chris, playing board games and eating lasagna and cake. Mikayla and I made my birthday cake that day. It was so yummy, chocolate cake with cherry pie filling and vanilla frosting. Mikayla helped decorated that cake with the sprinkles, well she actually wanted to eat the sprinkle container instead of decorate the cake with it. Hey, not a bad helper for being only 8 months old. :)
Well Chris can say that he is married to a 20 something year old still, well atleast for one more year he can! Now time for the weather to warm up so we can get outside and burn off that yummy cake and oh so good lasagna dinner (Which Chris made for me :P ).

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