Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just a small update

On Thursday Feb. 12 Chris and I were able to see our TINY little baby on an ultra sound monitor (well Chris was able to see the screen better then I could) and we saw the flickering of one TINY little heart beating. Since our baby is so TINY the doctor told us that the due date would be changed from September 15 to October 5. On thursday our little one was 0.61 cm long, so tomorrow we are actually at the 7 week mark now that the doctor did some measurements. He says everything looks great and the next appointments are mainly for measuring my belly and doing sonograms of the baby. Next appointment is March 12. We do have a picture of our baby but I am not posting it cause I can hardly even see it on the print out. When we get a better one in the future we will definitly post it for all to see.

1 comment:

Mom and Jerry said...

Your house is looking absolutely wonderful. I love being able to go by it and watch the new additions everyday. Congratulations on that tiny little baby. Your face is glowing Stephanie.
We love you both very much.